These next few posts have been in the back of my mind for quite some time but I haven't taken the time to sit down to even begin. We recently moved and while packing I came across a large box of papers from doctor's appointments, notes from therapists, notes that I had written, and the list goes on. It brought back A LOT of memories. And made me realize that the past 6 years has been far from what I imagined my life as a parent to be.
I begin with part 1: explaining Mackenzie's diagnosis more from the medical aspect. The upcoming posts will be on her milestones and then on our take as parents in this entire journey.
I'll begin with this adorable picture:
Mackenzie was born March 2010 - 9lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long (we didn't get much use our of newborn clothes/diapers!). She was a week overdue and we were ready to meet her! The labor was far from ideal. There were some complications (but nothing serious) and after spending 18 hours in the hospital, she finally decided to make her appearance. There were no major concerns with her. She had jaundice, but by the time we left the hospital, she was overall healthy.
She nursed till right before she turned a year old. She didn't take a bottle- we tried numerous times but never had any luck. We started foods at 6 months (avocado was her first food and still a favorite of hers!). I made the majority of her baby food. She was (and still is) a good eater. Below is a video of Mackenzie eating one of her first foods, avocado.
It was at her 9 month check-up (December 2010) when it all began. Her pediatrician asked if I had any concerns. I mentioned that Mackenzie was rolling over some but not sitting up on her own (in fact, we had to place pillows all around her because she would easily lose her balance if we put her in the sitting position and would hit the ground hard). She wasn't trying to pull up and was far from crawling. The pediatrician recommended that we set up an appointment with a developmental pediatrician at our hospital's neuro-developmental clinic. I didn't think much about it. I even remember texting BJ (who we were going to meet for lunch after) to tell him that we would be a little late due to waiting for the office to set up an appointment with a developmental pediatrician. BJ didn't have the same reaction as I did. He immediately called questioning why they were referring Mackenzie.
The following month we went to the appointment at the neuro-developmental clinic. The clinic consisted of the developmental pediatrician, a physical therapist, and nurses. Everyone treated us and Mackenzie so well. They went through questions about Mack's development so far, her eating habits, the PT assessed her in many areas (not just with her mobility), etc. They had concerns saying she had mild developmental delays. The pediatrician mentioned Mackenzie's eye movement (which we had somewhat noticed already). Below is a picture explaining it as best as possible- she looked out of the corner of her eyes quite often.
We hadn't thought much about the eye/head movement until this appointment. We were referred to a pediatric neuro-opthalmologist which we saw the following month (January 2011 when Mack was 10 months old). We were told that Mackenzie's vision was perfectly fine but that there was concern with her eye movement/looking out of the corner of her eye. We were told to come back in June for a follow-up. Over the next several months Mackenzie continue making progress with her mobility. It was slower than the 'norm', but it was progress nonetheless. I will touch more on the milestones she hit in my next post, but she started with what we called the 'army' crawl around 11 months old. She wasn't able to sit up on her own (like I mentioned earlier, we would have to surround her with pillows when we put her in the sitting position because she would easily lose her balance and hit the floor hard if nothing was there to break the fall). We began to notice that she understood all that we said, and she tried her best to communicate back to us. We did simple sign language with her which helped alleviate frustrations.
In April 2011, shortly after Mack turned 1, we had another appointment with the neuro-developmental clinic. We were told (for the first of many times) how determined Mackenzie was. They did their standard assessments on her and stated what we had already been told- she was behind on her mobility and fine motor skills but continued to make progress.
It was in June 2011 that things became more stressful. We had our follow-up appointment with the opthalmologist. We initially thought it would be a quick appointment. The doctor mentioned Mack may have Ocular Motor Apraxia (which obviously was quite foreign to us). She said she had never seen a patient with it so she would need to do more research before making the diagnosis. I went home and began researching. There wasn't much out there besides a few scary research papers talking about a child being diagnosed with OMA and then eventually finding out that he had a brain tumor (thankfully there is much more information via google even though it's only been 5 years since I first did the research). Within a few days of our appointment the opthalmologist called saying she wanted to set up a brain MRI for Mack. We weren't quite sure how to feel about this. Mack needed to be fully sedated which was scarier than the MRI itself.
We waited a few (very long) days to hear back from the MRI. The results showed that everything was 'normal'. During this time, Mack's primary pediatrician had us go to Duke's Pediatric Eye Center for a 2nd opinion. We took a copy of the MRI with us, but they said there was no need to read it. The doctor confirmed the OMA diagnosis and said she wasn't fully sure why Mack also had developmental delays but they may not be related. I questioned all of this (along with the MRI reading). Mack's MRI reading stated that there was underdevelopment but it was due to the maturation of the brain (since Mack was only 15 months old). Something didn't seem right so I kept searching for answers.
During this time we also began the process of Early Intervention. After several assessments Mack began physical therapy in August 2011 at 17 months old. Shortly after, a vision specialist began seeing Mack. Soon after that, I pushed to start occupational therapy. And by December 2011 Mack began speech therapy. We had a very busy schedule. We had therapists in and out of our home several times a week until Mack turned 3 years old and aged out of Early Intervention. Once she aged out, we began taking her to physical (once a week) and speech (twice a week) therapies up until she was almost 5 1/2 years old when we decided to call it quits and take a break from therapies.
Now to jump back to 2011...Mack had another appointment at the developmental clinic and was referred to a geneticist and an orthopedic doctor. The initial appointment with the geneticist was scary. They tested Mackenzie for ataxia telangiectasia. We made the mistake to research that one while we were waiting for the results to come back. Google it and you'll see why it was very stressful. We were obviously quite relieved when the results came back showing she didn't have it. We continued to see the geneticist every several months. They did a micro-array seeing if they could find any type of mutations in her genes and that came back 'normal' (little did we know that Mack did have a genetic condition).
The next several months was when we truly saw God's hand in everything. I took Mack to the pediatrician because she had an ear infection. Her primary pediatrician wasn't available so we saw another doctor in the same practice (who is now her primary pediatrician due to the first one retiring a year ago). I honestly have no complaints when it comes to both of these doctors. They have always done all they can do to make sure Mack is/was properly diagnosed and referred her to incredible specialists. During this particular sick visit, the pediatrician asked if I minded if he looked through Mack's chart (since they were 10 times larger than most 18 month olds). Of course I didn't mind! He then asked if I wanted him to refer Mack to specialists at University of Virginia. And of course I didn't mind that either- I still was searching for more answers from the MRI. He made a referral for another neuro-opthalmologist and a pediatric neurologist. So we went to see a neuro-opthamologist at UVA in January of 2012 (2 months shy of Mack's 2nd birthday). It was a couple hour long visit resulting in the doctor agreeing that Mack has OMA but that he didn't feel the developmental delays were related to it (we still didn't understand why doctors kept telling us this since those I had connected with via a FaceBook OMA group stated that their children had delays as well. It made sense to us that they had to be somehow related). He took our copy of the MRI to keep on file but didn't have anyone look at it. We had a very sweet resident student sit in during the appointment who gave quite a bit of encouragement and did her best to entertain and keep Mack happy.
Then 3 months later (April 2012) we went to the neurologist at UVA (the other appointment we were referred to from the ear infection visit). We waited forever to be called back only to be told that the neurologist we were suppose to see was out sick that day so the other neurologists were covering his appointments that day (on top of their already scheduled appointments). I was frustrated and already felt like the appointment would be a waste. We went into the appointment with Dr. Goodkin to find out that the same resident student from the eye appointment was helping Goodkin out that day. She was able to fill Dr. Goodkin on everything to do with Mackenzie. Goodkin spent a lot of time talking with us and looking at Mackenzie. He said he wanted Mack to have another MRI so he set one up for the following week. I ended up coming out of the appointment feeling much better than I did going into it! I finally felt like we were getting some answers. It was stressful and scary but also comforting knowing we were possibly one step closer to explaining what was going on.
The following Monday morning (on what was suppose to be a lazy pajama day for me and Mack) I received a call from Dr. Goodkin. He asked if we could come to his office around noon that day to discuss Mackenzie's MRI. Even though he had scheduled another one to be done, he took the copy that was on her file (the one that the neuro-opthalmologist had gotten months prior) and had it reread. He told us to not worry but that he would like to discuss what the radiologist at UVA saw. BJ came home from work, and we drove the hour+ drive to UVA. We sat in Dr. Goodkin's office (during what was suppose to be his lunch break) and he showed me a screenshot from Mack's brain MRI. I immediately knew it was Joubert Syndrome (which he questioned how I knew that). During all my time of researching Ocular Motor Apraxia, I came across another blog of another parent whose child had OMA but it was a symptom of Joubert Syndrome. I also saw that Joubert Syndrome has what they call "the molar tooth sign" (click here if you want more info on what it means to have the 'molar tooth sign'). Basically, Mackenzie has underdevelopment along her cerebellum. My emotions the next several weeks were mixed. Dr. Goodkin told us to take time to digest the information and reminded us that this information wouldn't change what we were currently doing and that it will never define who Mackenzie is. A week prior to our appointment with Dr. Goodkin was when Mack took her first steps (at 25 months old) so he reminded us that she is making progress in her own time. But even though I had wanted answers, I now had to face those answers. Joubert Syndome encompasses so much. There is so much uncertainty about the future. There are health complications that occur with it. It is genetic so there is a high chance of having another child with it. Just so much to take in (and still so much to take in each day for us).
But I can't help but sit back and be amazed at God's hand with this. Mack had an ear infection and I couldn't get an appointment with her primary doctor. I had several choices of what other doctor to see in the practice and I chose the doctor who was the father of a girl I coached a few years back in volleyball. And it was because of this pediatrician's curiosity during the sick visit that prompted him to schedule an appointment with a neuro-opthalmologist and a neurologist. The opthalmologist took a copy of Mack's MRI and months later we went to see a neurologist- a neurologist that we weren't even suppose to see. But because of our scheduled neurologist being out sick, we saw Dr. Goodkin. And because of his curiosity, he had the MRI from almost a year ago reread and found the signs for Joubert Syndrome.
And the amazement continues. Dr. Goodkin referred us to a developmental pediatrician at UVA (who Mack still sees yearly) and he gave us information to the Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation and to the University of Washington. Over the next few days after the initial appointment with Dr. Goodkin, I joined a Joubert Syndrome FaceBook group. I started reading post after post. Little did I know that our life would really be totally different than I would have ever imagined (that group quickly became our second family). I read a few posts about families going to the National Institute of Health for a research study. I found the contact information for this study and emailed the head nurse (this was on a Friday). She told me that the research study was closed. They had several families lined up until July to come each week but it would be ending in July. She told me to give her a little more information about Mackenzie and she would present it to the lead doctor when she came back in on Monday. So I did. I sent a few videos and information of Mackenzie not feeling too hopeful since the study was closed. Monday morning the nurse contacted me and said Dr. Gunay (the lead doctor) was interested in having our family come the last week of the study in July. Once again I was amazed at how everything was working out. I have typed up quite a bit so far so I will put a link to the post I did soon after our visit to the NIH in case you're interested to read.
Our visit to the National Institute of Health
And it was because of connecting with a mom of a child with JS while we were at the NIH that I was introduced to the Joubert Syndrome medical conferences that happen every 2 years. So in 2013, we attended our first JS conference in Minneapolis, MN. Again, here is the link for that post if you want to hear more about it.
Joubert Syndrome 2013 conference
It was a very overwhelming experience (as pretty much every part of our journey with Mackenzie has been). But so very worth going. So worth going that we had to go to the 2015 conference in Chicago. Due to the craziness of life, I don't have a post on that one. However, there are 2 people who blogged about it and well worth the time to check out. Scott (who is an adult with Joubert Syndrome) and Anna who has 3 adorable children (2 with JS). Both of them do an incredible job blogging their journeys.
Scott's blog- The Rare Writer
Anna's blog- The Unexpected Journey - Unconditional Love
The National Institute of Health has done a lot for Joubert Syndrome along with University of Washington. Doctors from both attend every JS conference. They give as much information as they can to all of the parents who have children with JS. They spend a lot of time researching all that they can on Joubert Syndrome. They are incredible people. It's because of the University of Washington that we know the specific gene that caused Mackenzie's Joubert Syndrome (CC2D2A). We are so thankful for all of the work that both the NIH and UW does for Joubert Syndrome.
I spent a lot of time (much more than I thought I would) on the first 2 years of Mackenzie's life. When it comes to appointments, the next few years following the Joubert Syndrome diagnosis weren't as hectic and stressful. We're now in a good routine. Every year Mackenzie has an ultrasound done on her kidneys, liver, and spleen along with bloodwork to check those levels. So far she hasn't had any health concerns. She has eye appointments yearly and so far her vision is good. She still has her head thrusts but they're not as often or as obvious as they use to be (definitely more obvious when she's tired or focusing on an object). She sees the developmental pediatrician yearly. At her most recent appointment (in August) he commented on how well she is doing/progressing.
Pictures below from our most recent trip to UVA- ultrasound, bloodword, and check up with developmental pediatrician:
I'm not sure how many people made it to the end of this post. It was a lot longer than I thought it would be. It wasn't until I sat down and started typing that I realized how much we've gone through in just 6 years. But I'm glad that I have typed it all out (maybe Mack will eventually want to read it when she's older:)). It's quite therapeutic when I take the time to blog.
I will end by posting a picture of what's on the wall in our living room. This isn't the journey I thought we would be going through as a family, but I can't help but read through this entire post and see that God is using Mack's journey in incredible ways.
I begin with part 1: explaining Mackenzie's diagnosis more from the medical aspect. The upcoming posts will be on her milestones and then on our take as parents in this entire journey.
I'll begin with this adorable picture:
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1 day old |
It was at her 9 month check-up (December 2010) when it all began. Her pediatrician asked if I had any concerns. I mentioned that Mackenzie was rolling over some but not sitting up on her own (in fact, we had to place pillows all around her because she would easily lose her balance if we put her in the sitting position and would hit the ground hard). She wasn't trying to pull up and was far from crawling. The pediatrician recommended that we set up an appointment with a developmental pediatrician at our hospital's neuro-developmental clinic. I didn't think much about it. I even remember texting BJ (who we were going to meet for lunch after) to tell him that we would be a little late due to waiting for the office to set up an appointment with a developmental pediatrician. BJ didn't have the same reaction as I did. He immediately called questioning why they were referring Mackenzie.
The following month we went to the appointment at the neuro-developmental clinic. The clinic consisted of the developmental pediatrician, a physical therapist, and nurses. Everyone treated us and Mackenzie so well. They went through questions about Mack's development so far, her eating habits, the PT assessed her in many areas (not just with her mobility), etc. They had concerns saying she had mild developmental delays. The pediatrician mentioned Mackenzie's eye movement (which we had somewhat noticed already). Below is a picture explaining it as best as possible- she looked out of the corner of her eyes quite often.
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7 months old |
We hadn't thought much about the eye/head movement until this appointment. We were referred to a pediatric neuro-opthalmologist which we saw the following month (January 2011 when Mack was 10 months old). We were told that Mackenzie's vision was perfectly fine but that there was concern with her eye movement/looking out of the corner of her eye. We were told to come back in June for a follow-up. Over the next several months Mackenzie continue making progress with her mobility. It was slower than the 'norm', but it was progress nonetheless. I will touch more on the milestones she hit in my next post, but she started with what we called the 'army' crawl around 11 months old. She wasn't able to sit up on her own (like I mentioned earlier, we would have to surround her with pillows when we put her in the sitting position because she would easily lose her balance and hit the floor hard if nothing was there to break the fall). We began to notice that she understood all that we said, and she tried her best to communicate back to us. We did simple sign language with her which helped alleviate frustrations.
In April 2011, shortly after Mack turned 1, we had another appointment with the neuro-developmental clinic. We were told (for the first of many times) how determined Mackenzie was. They did their standard assessments on her and stated what we had already been told- she was behind on her mobility and fine motor skills but continued to make progress.
It was in June 2011 that things became more stressful. We had our follow-up appointment with the opthalmologist. We initially thought it would be a quick appointment. The doctor mentioned Mack may have Ocular Motor Apraxia (which obviously was quite foreign to us). She said she had never seen a patient with it so she would need to do more research before making the diagnosis. I went home and began researching. There wasn't much out there besides a few scary research papers talking about a child being diagnosed with OMA and then eventually finding out that he had a brain tumor (thankfully there is much more information via google even though it's only been 5 years since I first did the research). Within a few days of our appointment the opthalmologist called saying she wanted to set up a brain MRI for Mack. We weren't quite sure how to feel about this. Mack needed to be fully sedated which was scarier than the MRI itself.
After the MRI |
We waited a few (very long) days to hear back from the MRI. The results showed that everything was 'normal'. During this time, Mack's primary pediatrician had us go to Duke's Pediatric Eye Center for a 2nd opinion. We took a copy of the MRI with us, but they said there was no need to read it. The doctor confirmed the OMA diagnosis and said she wasn't fully sure why Mack also had developmental delays but they may not be related. I questioned all of this (along with the MRI reading). Mack's MRI reading stated that there was underdevelopment but it was due to the maturation of the brain (since Mack was only 15 months old). Something didn't seem right so I kept searching for answers.
During this time we also began the process of Early Intervention. After several assessments Mack began physical therapy in August 2011 at 17 months old. Shortly after, a vision specialist began seeing Mack. Soon after that, I pushed to start occupational therapy. And by December 2011 Mack began speech therapy. We had a very busy schedule. We had therapists in and out of our home several times a week until Mack turned 3 years old and aged out of Early Intervention. Once she aged out, we began taking her to physical (once a week) and speech (twice a week) therapies up until she was almost 5 1/2 years old when we decided to call it quits and take a break from therapies.
Now to jump back to 2011...Mack had another appointment at the developmental clinic and was referred to a geneticist and an orthopedic doctor. The initial appointment with the geneticist was scary. They tested Mackenzie for ataxia telangiectasia. We made the mistake to research that one while we were waiting for the results to come back. Google it and you'll see why it was very stressful. We were obviously quite relieved when the results came back showing she didn't have it. We continued to see the geneticist every several months. They did a micro-array seeing if they could find any type of mutations in her genes and that came back 'normal' (little did we know that Mack did have a genetic condition).
The next several months was when we truly saw God's hand in everything. I took Mack to the pediatrician because she had an ear infection. Her primary pediatrician wasn't available so we saw another doctor in the same practice (who is now her primary pediatrician due to the first one retiring a year ago). I honestly have no complaints when it comes to both of these doctors. They have always done all they can do to make sure Mack is/was properly diagnosed and referred her to incredible specialists. During this particular sick visit, the pediatrician asked if I minded if he looked through Mack's chart (since they were 10 times larger than most 18 month olds). Of course I didn't mind! He then asked if I wanted him to refer Mack to specialists at University of Virginia. And of course I didn't mind that either- I still was searching for more answers from the MRI. He made a referral for another neuro-opthalmologist and a pediatric neurologist. So we went to see a neuro-opthamologist at UVA in January of 2012 (2 months shy of Mack's 2nd birthday). It was a couple hour long visit resulting in the doctor agreeing that Mack has OMA but that he didn't feel the developmental delays were related to it (we still didn't understand why doctors kept telling us this since those I had connected with via a FaceBook OMA group stated that their children had delays as well. It made sense to us that they had to be somehow related). He took our copy of the MRI to keep on file but didn't have anyone look at it. We had a very sweet resident student sit in during the appointment who gave quite a bit of encouragement and did her best to entertain and keep Mack happy.
2 years old |
Then 3 months later (April 2012) we went to the neurologist at UVA (the other appointment we were referred to from the ear infection visit). We waited forever to be called back only to be told that the neurologist we were suppose to see was out sick that day so the other neurologists were covering his appointments that day (on top of their already scheduled appointments). I was frustrated and already felt like the appointment would be a waste. We went into the appointment with Dr. Goodkin to find out that the same resident student from the eye appointment was helping Goodkin out that day. She was able to fill Dr. Goodkin on everything to do with Mackenzie. Goodkin spent a lot of time talking with us and looking at Mackenzie. He said he wanted Mack to have another MRI so he set one up for the following week. I ended up coming out of the appointment feeling much better than I did going into it! I finally felt like we were getting some answers. It was stressful and scary but also comforting knowing we were possibly one step closer to explaining what was going on.
The following Monday morning (on what was suppose to be a lazy pajama day for me and Mack) I received a call from Dr. Goodkin. He asked if we could come to his office around noon that day to discuss Mackenzie's MRI. Even though he had scheduled another one to be done, he took the copy that was on her file (the one that the neuro-opthalmologist had gotten months prior) and had it reread. He told us to not worry but that he would like to discuss what the radiologist at UVA saw. BJ came home from work, and we drove the hour+ drive to UVA. We sat in Dr. Goodkin's office (during what was suppose to be his lunch break) and he showed me a screenshot from Mack's brain MRI. I immediately knew it was Joubert Syndrome (which he questioned how I knew that). During all my time of researching Ocular Motor Apraxia, I came across another blog of another parent whose child had OMA but it was a symptom of Joubert Syndrome. I also saw that Joubert Syndrome has what they call "the molar tooth sign" (click here if you want more info on what it means to have the 'molar tooth sign'). Basically, Mackenzie has underdevelopment along her cerebellum. My emotions the next several weeks were mixed. Dr. Goodkin told us to take time to digest the information and reminded us that this information wouldn't change what we were currently doing and that it will never define who Mackenzie is. A week prior to our appointment with Dr. Goodkin was when Mack took her first steps (at 25 months old) so he reminded us that she is making progress in her own time. But even though I had wanted answers, I now had to face those answers. Joubert Syndome encompasses so much. There is so much uncertainty about the future. There are health complications that occur with it. It is genetic so there is a high chance of having another child with it. Just so much to take in (and still so much to take in each day for us).
But I can't help but sit back and be amazed at God's hand with this. Mack had an ear infection and I couldn't get an appointment with her primary doctor. I had several choices of what other doctor to see in the practice and I chose the doctor who was the father of a girl I coached a few years back in volleyball. And it was because of this pediatrician's curiosity during the sick visit that prompted him to schedule an appointment with a neuro-opthalmologist and a neurologist. The opthalmologist took a copy of Mack's MRI and months later we went to see a neurologist- a neurologist that we weren't even suppose to see. But because of our scheduled neurologist being out sick, we saw Dr. Goodkin. And because of his curiosity, he had the MRI from almost a year ago reread and found the signs for Joubert Syndrome.
And the amazement continues. Dr. Goodkin referred us to a developmental pediatrician at UVA (who Mack still sees yearly) and he gave us information to the Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation and to the University of Washington. Over the next few days after the initial appointment with Dr. Goodkin, I joined a Joubert Syndrome FaceBook group. I started reading post after post. Little did I know that our life would really be totally different than I would have ever imagined (that group quickly became our second family). I read a few posts about families going to the National Institute of Health for a research study. I found the contact information for this study and emailed the head nurse (this was on a Friday). She told me that the research study was closed. They had several families lined up until July to come each week but it would be ending in July. She told me to give her a little more information about Mackenzie and she would present it to the lead doctor when she came back in on Monday. So I did. I sent a few videos and information of Mackenzie not feeling too hopeful since the study was closed. Monday morning the nurse contacted me and said Dr. Gunay (the lead doctor) was interested in having our family come the last week of the study in July. Once again I was amazed at how everything was working out. I have typed up quite a bit so far so I will put a link to the post I did soon after our visit to the NIH in case you're interested to read.
Our visit to the National Institute of Health
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Mackenzie with her JS buddies and the head doctor/nurse of the NIH study |
And it was because of connecting with a mom of a child with JS while we were at the NIH that I was introduced to the Joubert Syndrome medical conferences that happen every 2 years. So in 2013, we attended our first JS conference in Minneapolis, MN. Again, here is the link for that post if you want to hear more about it.
Joubert Syndrome 2013 conference
It was a very overwhelming experience (as pretty much every part of our journey with Mackenzie has been). But so very worth going. So worth going that we had to go to the 2015 conference in Chicago. Due to the craziness of life, I don't have a post on that one. However, there are 2 people who blogged about it and well worth the time to check out. Scott (who is an adult with Joubert Syndrome) and Anna who has 3 adorable children (2 with JS). Both of them do an incredible job blogging their journeys.
Scott's blog- The Rare Writer
Anna's blog- The Unexpected Journey - Unconditional Love
The National Institute of Health has done a lot for Joubert Syndrome along with University of Washington. Doctors from both attend every JS conference. They give as much information as they can to all of the parents who have children with JS. They spend a lot of time researching all that they can on Joubert Syndrome. They are incredible people. It's because of the University of Washington that we know the specific gene that caused Mackenzie's Joubert Syndrome (CC2D2A). We are so thankful for all of the work that both the NIH and UW does for Joubert Syndrome.
I spent a lot of time (much more than I thought I would) on the first 2 years of Mackenzie's life. When it comes to appointments, the next few years following the Joubert Syndrome diagnosis weren't as hectic and stressful. We're now in a good routine. Every year Mackenzie has an ultrasound done on her kidneys, liver, and spleen along with bloodwork to check those levels. So far she hasn't had any health concerns. She has eye appointments yearly and so far her vision is good. She still has her head thrusts but they're not as often or as obvious as they use to be (definitely more obvious when she's tired or focusing on an object). She sees the developmental pediatrician yearly. At her most recent appointment (in August) he commented on how well she is doing/progressing.
Pictures below from our most recent trip to UVA- ultrasound, bloodword, and check up with developmental pediatrician:
I'm not sure how many people made it to the end of this post. It was a lot longer than I thought it would be. It wasn't until I sat down and started typing that I realized how much we've gone through in just 6 years. But I'm glad that I have typed it all out (maybe Mack will eventually want to read it when she's older:)). It's quite therapeutic when I take the time to blog.
I will end by posting a picture of what's on the wall in our living room. This isn't the journey I thought we would be going through as a family, but I can't help but read through this entire post and see that God is using Mack's journey in incredible ways.
Thank you for sharing. She always amazes me 💕
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteGracias, me ha encantado leer vuestra historia. Mi hija también tiene SJ. Sólo mandaros un beso muy muy fuerte y desearle lo mejor a Mack
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteWhitney, this is so amazing to read, you guys have been through so much, but like you said, God is so good!! Mackenzie is amazing and so are you and BJ!! - Katie H
ReplyDeleteThank you, Katie!