Mack's Mom - Joubert Syndrome & Ocular Motor Apraxia

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2 Different Subjects: Overview of Speech Assessment and Frustrations with Ocular Motor Apraxia

Getting another post in before the New Year...:)

Mackenzie had her speech assessment last week. It went very well. Mackenzie enjoyed having another therapist come into the home so she could entertain them (since I'm certain Mackenzie thinks that's the reason why the therapists come :)). The assessment consisted of the speech therapist asking me and BJ questions and also observing Mackenzie. We won't know the results of the assessment for a few weeks but the therapist feels that Mackenzie will benefit from speech therapy. She mentioned that Mackenzie will probably receive speech therapy twice a month. The therapist could tell that Mackenzie has difficulty forming words and will whine when she wants something. Mackenzie also gets frustrated when we don't understand what she wants. I do feel like it will be a matter of time before Mackenzie's vocabulary grows. Just in the past few days she has started saying a few new words. This morning she looked at my husband, smiled, and said "BJ!". BJ and I both questioned if we heard her right and after a few more times of Mackenzie saying "BJ", we knew she was actually saying his name. A few minutes later I pointed to BJ and asked Mackenzie "who is that?" and she smiled really big and said, "Da-eee" (her way of saying "Daddy").

The speech therapist also assessed Mackenzie's receptive language (what she understands such as commands, etc) and said that Mackenzie appears to be in the 27-30 month range. I must admit that it's so nice to hear that Mackenzie is 6-9 months ahead in a certain area when the focus is typically on the negative aspects of the disorder such as her mobility delay (and now possible speech delay). I have been told by many friends and family that Mackenzie is a very bright child however hearing it from a therapist really made me realize how great she is doing in that area. :)

Now to turn to a whole different subject. Last week was a very frustrating week. I guess we all have our times of questioning why things are the way they are and worrying about what is to come. As Mackenzie gets older, she is also starting to realize more. She is getting frustrated with not being able to do all that she wants to do (and what she sees other children her age doing) and is getting frustrated trying to tell me what she wants and I'm not able to understand her. At her last check-up the doctor said that it is good that Mackenzie shows frustration. But of course it does bother me to see her become frustrated over situations that I am also getting frustrated about. I have connected with another mother in the Facebook group whose son with OMA is a day younger than Mackenzie. It has been so helpful being able to relate to someone going through the same thing. One day last week when I was having a hard time, she called me stating she was frustrated with how her son is having so many balance issues and difficulty with walking. We both questioned if we were doing all that we should be doing for our children. She posted on the OMA's Facebook group about her frustration and it was amazing the response that was given. People were very open and honest about how they have had similar feelings and have worried about their child with OMA. OMA is such a rare disorder so there is a lot of worry that comes from the uncertainty of what the future holds plus the worry of watching your child have so much difficulty with things that come so easy to other children. Those who have an older child with OMA gave encouragement that even though their child went through a lot of ups and downs the first several years, that their child is doing quite well and doing things they never imagined they would be doing (such as riding bikes, jumping, skipping, running, excelling in school, etc). Someone mentioned how her child is determined and stubborn and even though it takes her child longer to do things, it makes her child push even harder and be even more determined. I feel that Mackenzie is already this way and will become even more determined as she gets older. I know it is going to be hard to see Mackenzie struggle in many areas (since I'm already witnessing that now) however it will make her push harder and when she does accomplish something, it will make that moment even more exciting.

I truly appreciate all of the encouragement that I (and my husband) receive from friends and family. Last week ended so much better than it started. I was frustrated at the beginning of the week, wondering why Mackenzie isn't walking when she is almost 2, wanting to know what struggles she will face, what the future holds, etc and even though I am still worrying, I'm not letting my frustration overcome me. My mom and sister reminded me to remain patient and of course reminded me that I have a very sweet and bright child. Close friends told us they are praying for Mackenzie, and I reminded myself that I truly am blessed with a wonderful daughter and a very supportive husband.

Here are a few pictures from the past week. Mackenzie continues to ride her bike throughout the house with minimal help. She now has a new buddy who has to join her wherever she goes!

She has to make sure she has her sunglasses with her at all times (even when it's dark outside:))

Mackenzie looks quite tall in this picture and of course quite cute. :)

My favorite picture... Mackenzie was watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" with BJ and put her arm around him and kissed his cheek.

So once again- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will be sure to post a few pictures from Christmas and hopefully one or two new videos. :)

1 comment:

  1. Every parent has ups and downs we can all relate to are not alone there. Ki has a learning disability. I always knew he was smart but I didn't ask him to write things down just talk and writing seems to be the disability. Remember that you know Mack better than anyone and you will always know that she is a bright child. She is truly a gift so try to hold onto that in hard times. Love you all!!!
